
Shame on the Canada's CBC news network / A customer responds to thelotter

Interestingly, thelotter is trying to appear legitimate and actually choosing to respond to those complaints that they cannot shut down on Trustpilot.

Thelotter has been operating exactly as the customer below "Ruth" said for years now. They have gotten away with it and a comment revealed to me that useless, ignorant news agencies such as the Canada's CBC even reported thelotter as a way for Canadian citizens to get around the illegality of buying tickets abroad. Shame on CBC.

Back to Ruth. She speaks the truth and eloquently.

Unfortunately for thelotter, she is a long time reviewer on Trustpilot so thelotter couldn't get her "negative review" removed.

Here is her response to thelotter's self serving response:

Bad news, bad business.

Re: 2nd reply from thelotter.com -- BUYER BEWARE!!!!!!!
"When you start a subscription you get an email, and now we have also added a confirmation email for every individual purchase."
The site says that you will receive an email receipt with every order.
I never received one for any of the 3 orders I placed. NOT ONE!
Your site takes monies from poor pensioners without any notification. You are THIEVES! Stopping the pop-up might be helpful. BUT...WHERE are the receipts telling me how much money you will take, when, and the numbers?
A lot of "flannel" going on with THELOTTER.COM replies. I pray that anyone who reads this interaction STAYS AWAY FROM THELOTTER.COM!! Customer services is a scam and you will lose money that you have never dreamed could happen when they have several secure online purchase logos on thelotter.com site that only benefit thelotter.com

Re Thelottercom reply: I tried both the online and phone customer support with no success. I asked for receipts All they did was refer me to my "account" which only shows your deductions from my bank account and thelotter account with a few paltry wins, which were also taken from thelotter.com account BY thelotter to spend on subscriptions. I was unable to find out the price of my tickets,or the numbers / lines that your company was taking. I just tried using $9 left in the account and was careful to ensure that i bought only a one-time ticket. The site has a pop-up that tries to sell you more tickets, which might be what i clicked when i bought the tickets (3 in total, 2 first time and 1 second time?) I did get a receipt for that purchase and it even had the numbers on it! Why didn't i get any receipts for the ones I bought in January?

To me, the subscription description was unclear. When I read it, I could not understand that the same numbers would be taken out of my account "at the will of thelotter.com" with no receipt and no one telling me how often money would be taken out, and how much.

When I read the site info, I understood that I would get a free ticket for every 7th ticket I bought... with me choosing the tickets and when they would be bought. DO NOT TAKE A SUBSCRIPTION. You get no receipt and have no idea when they are taking monies from your account, or how much. Customer Services are not as the person who replied described. They take the money out for a March purchase IN JANUARY, as well as February tickets at the same time! Buyer Beware!

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